Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So. MORE than a year since I blogged, but recent inspiration has brought me back.

 So much has changed. Even the blogger dashboard is different and I got confused looking at it. But that's just me - confused as always.

Be that as it may, I can safely say I do not miss writing. It is after all my job now, to write what I see, sometimes what I don't see. Either way, I get to write. Flow words all over the page. Type. Click clack click clack.

I've even learned to type without squinting at the keyboard. Yaay me.

Yes, I crib and cry about the hours and the stress, but never about the monotony. It is never still. I am never allowed to be still. Yet, I love every moment of it. Every fibre of my being is tuned to be on the go at a second's notice.

It's tough being on the move without my scooter. Without intending offence to those who have lost their legs, I feel like mine are cut off at the hip. And it's just been a week since I sold my old bike and impatient me has driven my poor father to madness by asking him 15067 times a day when the new one will arrive.

I wonder how some of my colleagues go reporting without wheels. I mean, I've taken the bus once in the past week, and the fact that every time I take public transport I have to yell at a guy to stop falling on the ladies side of the bus... Well, I just don't have the patience any more.

Therefore, I am this week's auto-rani. I don't even bat an eyelid when they ask Rs 100 from Purasaiwalkam to Kilpauk. Nice, no? Rival newspaper has started ad campaign to bring back auto meters and all, but I doubt if it will appeal to the government. Considering they have a defamation suit filed against them by the CM, among other things.

That's the story this week. Hopefully new tales to follow.

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